Сайт Образование и Православие > Литература о Православии и христианстве на иностра > The Filioquesupporters of the 13th century John Beccos and Constantine Melitiniotes and their relation to Augustin and Thomas Aquinas

The Filioquesupporters of the 13th century John Beccos and Constantine Melitiniotes and their relation to Augustin and Thomas Aquinas

The Filioquesupporters of the 13th century John Beccos and Constantine Melitiniotes and their relation to Augustin and Thomas Aquinas, in: StP 68 (2013) 381 - 395.pdf

The_Filioquesupporters_of_the_13th_centu.pdf [536,25 Kb] (cкачиваний: 13)


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